Wednesday, March 5, 2008


so i've had a really sore throat for a few days... i went to the dr. yesterday, they did a strep-test, and it came back negative. good... i guess. instead, i have a bad sinus infection. apparently it's been percolating since that cold got on the way home from STL a few weeks ago. SO... they gave me a shot and a prescription for antibiotics. great, that's exciting-- we all know how well i get along with antibiotics, lol.
so i was hoping to feel better this morning... no such luck. i woke up with a vicious sinus headache-- i thought my eyes were going to pop out and it felt like there was cement in my sinuses, and let's not even get into my issue with light sensitivity today. *rolls eyes* my headache got a little better after i took some mucinex and advil, but it came back... and i hate it. it's so hard to tolerate children when all you want to do is blow your own head off.

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