Wednesday, January 21, 2009


ok ok ok ... so. this is so cool.
kayla and i were looking for a house on craigslist... we found the CUTEST green four-plex for rent. 3 br, 1 bath, washer and dryer, kitchen with a stove, fridge, and a little fireplace, and a little yard. . . 800 dollars a month. SO. if we end up with a 3rd roommate, it's only 266 a month for each of us!! omg AWESOME! then we found out... it's in the 9th ward. we were like oh crap. well... that won't work. but THEN, my friend, Stephen, came in to work and... long story short, he not only knows the guy who's renting the house, he knows everyone who lives in the rest of the four-plex! He said pretty much that whole block goes to church where he interns, at St. Roch's Community Church, and that God is really moving in that neighborhood. AHHHHHH! i freaked out. HOW awesome is that??
the story is actually way more entertaining if you hear me tell it... because i get really excited and i start flailing my arms and going nuts... but you get the gist. super cool.

so me and kayla and margy (probable 3rd roommie) are meeting ben (renter) at the AWESOME green house on friday to give him our applications and see the place. . . yaaaaay!

1 comment:

Mrs. Wallace said...

TOTALLY. FREAKIN. AWESOME! :-) I'm excited for you!!