Sunday, March 29, 2009


i feel like a moody pre-teen.
one minute everything is great... the next i feel like my world is about to end...or wish it was about to end...

apparently i'm having a quarter-life crisis.
apparently this is the time of life when people go all cuckoo-existential trying to figure out who they are and where they belong in the world.
apparently 22-25 is a "pivotal time" when really big things happen.
apparently being a 20-something is like being in that awkward middle school stage all over again.

right so let's just cover the basics here...
i'm living paycheck to paycheck.
i have no idea what i want to do with my OR whenever i finally graduate.
i'm an emotional train wreck... or maybe rollercoaster... or maybe a glass elevator...
i'm completely indecisive. about anything.
my life is boring... but overwhelming at the same time.
at least once a day i feel like crying and saying "i want my mommy."

but thank god for friends.
the miracles are in the details.

1 comment:

Carlee L. said...

wow, I have been pretty much in the same place for a while, especially the beginning of this year. More in Feb & Jan and early March but this totally looks like something I would blog. :p Who knew post-college for art kids/Christians (either or both) would be so awkward! My roommates are also having similar experiences.
Weird, this life thing.