Sunday, August 19, 2007

i'm scared.

i have to keep reminding myself that with God on my side, no one or thing can be against me.

i have to keep reminding myself that God isn't going to say, "alright, i got you here... just chill i'll be back later."

i have to keep asking God to pull me out of this lonesome funk. I have friends here... i'm about to have more once school starts... but i'm so nervous about school.

i keep thinking maybe i shouldn't be at U.N.O. this semester... but then i remember that God wouldn't have opened the door if it wasn't supposed to be... right? i guess we'll find out when He provides (or doesn't provide) tuition...

i've never lived completely alone, and i get kinda scared at night. i can't wait for the next volunteer group to get here.

i'm so thankful that the Lord has put Brandy in my life. She says things to me that Carin would say... and that's a good thing. Even thought we just met, i feel like i can be honest with her and i know she'll call me out if necessary. She's like Carin, Pam, and Kim all put together. What a fun combo.

i went to church last night instead of this morning... most of the young adults go to the saturday night service, so Brandy and i went (since she already knows a lot of the group at Celebration, even though she doesn't go there). After the service i hooked up with Tony and Lindsay, the 20-something minister and his wife. Lindsay and I swapped stories (briefly) and she was really excited that i had decided to come back to Celebration and told me she'd be in touch b/c the girls were getting ready to have a "night in"... i think i've found a good group here. it's awesome being at a church that has a ministry group for people my age... no offense to KRCC... i guess you can't really have a 20-something ministry if there's not enough 20-somethings in the congregation. So yeah... i think i've found my church here-- which is exciting!
Exciting... right... as soon as i get out of this funk i'll be able to appreciate the excitement a little more, lol. i think i'm just PMSing. let's hope so anyway.

The best thing i've heard this week so far?? It rarely gets colder than the 40's here. SCORE.
Something else that's awesome: Pensacola, Florida is only 2.5-3 hours away from here. hmmm...

for some reason i have a strong desire to start smoking again...i'm about to have a nic-fit.
grrrr... get out of here, random cravings!


Carin and Michael Schindler said...

I am praying for you and holding you up to the Lord. He will not leave you nor forsake you. And remember .... He wouldn't take you down there to let you fail. STAY STRONG - I love you.

Carin and Michael Schindler said...

You need to write more...