Wednesday, December 17, 2008

how i almost burnt my grandparents' house down

yes, you read right... and let me just say ahead of time, it's really NOT my fault. Last night when i took my jewelry off i hung my spoon necklace and big hoop earrings from the nightlight in the bathroom. i do it all the time at my friends' house, and it's no big deal so i didn't think anything of it. i went to bed. i slept AMAZING. i woke up, went in the bathroom and was like "god what's that smell... smells like something BURNED in here..." i look at the wall, it's like CHARRED right around the outlet and my necklace and earrings are GONE. i'm freaking out. my grandma informed me that when she went in the bathroom earlier and switched the light on, the nightlight and outlet started sparking and then there were big flames. she screamed for my grandpa. and i was asleep the whole time.
needless to say my earrings and necklace are no more... at least the spoon charm on my necklace was salvaged-- i only lost the chain. but geeze. what an eventful first day of vaca, huh?

but seriously... did that sound like it was my fault?? i mean, i was asleep the whole time!

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